I recently read an article that said "collateral materials don't sell for you." I agree that a brochure isn't going to pick up the phone and call a prospect, or email an estimate to a customer.
Yet, I believe collateral materials can play an important role in making the sale happen. First, what do I mean by collateral? Some marketers may limit the definition to a leave-behind brochure. To me, effective collateral is much, much more. It can include brochures about your company and products or services, sell sheets, flyers, case studies or testimonials, letters, business cards, even proposals, or a presentation folder.
All of these marketing materials can help support the sale. Different businesses or consumers are at different stages of the "buying cycle." If you're selling financing to lease an airplane, you need to catch a business at the time when they are ready to lease. If you're selling insurance, you need to address consumers who are at different stages in life. Some people know they need it, and are procrastinating. Others may need to be more educated about the benefits of your product.
Just because you call a prospect and ask him if he wants to lease and airplane and he says no, doesn't mean that sales opportunity is over. Now, you should keep in contact with him until he is ready to lease. You can send him a follow-up mailing with a brochure or flyer and your business card. If interest rates or some other factor should change that might make leasing more appealing, you can send him a letter letting him know about the new rates. Then, if you follow-up with a call, he is prepared to talk to you about this new development.
Here are some more ways that collateral materials can play an ongoing roll in the sales cycle.
Build a strong image of your company in prospects' minds.
Your prospect may know very little about you at the beginning of your relationship. By sending her ongoing communications, you create an image of your company and products/services in her mind.
Reinforce your company's brand identity with customers.
You may think that your customers know you and will call when they need something. This can be a costly assumption. It's important to say top-of-mind with existing customers. For instance, you can send a case study with a recent success story. Or, send a sell sheet with new information about a product or service.
Educate buyers about your entire product or service offering.
A customer who has life insurance with you may not realize you also offer long term care insurance and annuities. Collateral materials can help you cross-sell to existing customers.
Provide support and education.
An email newsletter, white paper, or blog can help you connect with your customers and prospects and position you as an expert in the industry.
You may worry that continuing to send materials to prospects will eventually decrease your response rates. However, the opposite is often true. That's because you're establishing a relationship or rapport with your customers and prospects that leads to both new and ongoing business.
Other People's Money
As many of you probably know, I'm not only a marketing strategist, but also
the CEO of a juvenile products company called CuteyBaby. A couple of weeks
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